Fertility Health
Are you thinking about starting a family?
Are you already on the journey of trying to conceive and want to enhance your chances?
It might be that you that you have had go down the IVF route.
Have you been doing ART for a while and cycle after cycle is leaving you more deflated that before?
Being stuck in that perpetual cycle between two week waits and let downs?
You are certainly not alone on your journey with hoping to start a family. Whichever stage you are in, I am here to help.
Fertility issues affect so many women. I can't claim to cure anything but what I can do is to help to get you in a position of optimum control and health to help your fertility. I can look at you as an individual, your unique lifestyle, how you sleep, how you eat, what exercise you do, when and how often, what you eat and when you eat as well, your support network and stress management.
I can provide both face to face or online sessions, every week, which provides accountability and focus. I can provide nutritional advice and guidance, recipe ideas for busy people, along with a co-created coaching plan for your route forward. Each week you will have goals to reach which are achievable and realistic.
I can help you because I know how you are feeling. I have felt all all those things so I can relate on a personal level. I am going through IVF now.
With all the other things going on in your life, this must be prioritised and we all know that everyday, we get another day older and time ain't waiting for no one! Booking onto my 12 week program, I can get you to an optimal place physically, mentally and emotionally for your fertility. Together, we can create a path, managing all the aspects within your control to put you in an optimal position for both trying to conceive or your IVF journey.
The different stages of womenhood
On a normal month, for the normal woman, we should treat ourselves differently depending on where in our cycle we are. If we are looking to start a project or train for something bigger, then we should aim for doing that in the first half of our cycle when our bodies are in the menstrual and follicular phase. When our oestrogen and progesterone levels drop and more testosterone is released, we have more energy, focus and power. The second half of our cycle, after ovulation and into the luteal phase, we should aim to concentrate on calmer things and promote more self-care.​ As life moves on and and the peri-menopause arrives, we can be hit with all sorts of horrible symptoms, physical symptoms and feelings, and these can be caused by the hormones inside us going haywire. ​Not only can we adapt our projects and exercise to where we are in life and our cycles but we can adapt what we eat to suit where we are.​Being a woman can be difficult no matter what stage of life you are at. We can work together to see where you are at and create a plan, moving forward to help you to feel replenished and ready to take on the world.​